Allmøte m foredrag
- Allmøte m foredrag
- 2008-09-25T21:00:00+02:00
- 2008-09-25T23:00:00+02:00
- When 25.09.2008 from 20:00 to 22:00 (CET / UTC200)
- Where Det grønne loftet, Jacobsfjorden, Bryggen
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For medlemmer og venner af BØL
På denne torsdag har BØL besøg af en gruppe fra den tsjekkiske organisasjonen Eco-Info Centrum Ostrava
1 Foredrag ved Eco-Info Centrum Ostrava (se nedenfor)
2 orinteingssager: status, miljøugen, reguleringsplan bergen nord
3 præsentationsrunde og nye medlemmer
4 bøls arbejdsplan
5 afslutning: hvad sker videre
Sammendrag av foredrag v Eco-Info Centrum Ostrava
The main goal of the project is to implement selected technical and organizational measures in mother centers in Moravian-Silesian and Zlin regions aiming at their better environmental friendly operation. The project will exploit the fact clients of mother centers – parents of small children and pregnant women – are usually more sensitive to environmental issues and their consequences to human, especially children health and the project is ambitious to contribute to their confidence to apply such experience in their lives.
Beside this target group the project will also be focused on mother centers representatives who will be supported to improve their competence and the involved centers would simultaneously serve as positive examples for a subsequent application of the project methodology to the other regions of the Czech Republic. The communication strategy focused both on the above-mentioned target groups and wider public will be used to support the project objectives to increase environmental public awareness as well as awareness of mother centers activities, which should increase their position in society.
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